Reunion Alert : the UnOfficial 81st SPS Blog

Reunion Alert

by Ken Kern on 02/21/11

My name is Wayne Cadman I was at the Bent from Jan 70 until Feb 72! Worked C Flight Security MSGT John D Faulk  flight Chief, SSGT Billy Ray Rash, I think was the assistant. The last six months I was desk Sgt on Security if you were at Woodbridge you heard me on the radio.
I have found a couple of Bentwaters/Woodbridge www whatever and found your name. I would like to try and put some guys that were there between 1968 to 1973 in a email loop and maybe plan a get together in a year or so. If anyone is interested I can include the site its where I got your email address. The group that rotated out in 72 +/- had a reunion in 75 at George Dixon parents house what town ??? Penn. With email and Facebook let’s try and find some of the guys we had such a good time with.
My neighbor is an Army guy still has reunions with the people that went to the same base not at the same time. They have a good time. I lived on base and in Ipswich then Felixstowe at the end of my tour. Some of the guys were; Mike Walsh, John Lacrosse, Fred Lancaster, John Cahill, Tom Henley, Dennis Dembeck, it goes on.
Wayne Cadman
119 Sam Ingalls Rd
Bridgton, Maine 04009

Comments (2)

1. chester mcdonald said on 3/27/11 - 06:31AM
when i arrived at bentwaters, in April of 1972, i was an E-4(sgt). John Faulk was the flight chief, left there in 1975 when albert holmquest was the flight chief. I worked as flight security controller for the most part while stationed there. as age catches up with you, names seem to disappear first. The assignment there was one of the best that i had in 21 years in the air force.
2. Melvin (Joe) Schmidt said on 2/13/12 - 08:38PM
I was on the football team 1968-1971. Do you know how to reach any of the guys, like Jim Dickerson, Mike Kaiser, Bill Mears, Wayne Cadman? Would like more info on the reunion! When, Where Melvin (Joe) Schmidt 509-946-3858

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