Rich Sainz, 11/22/2011, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 9/81 to 12/81 Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: TDY
Robert Salas, 2/25/13, Email: . Security - Apr 91 to Feb 92. Comments: Great site! Very short but fond memories of Bentwaters.
Dennis Salter, 10/26/2004, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 88 to Dec 90. Lived on base. Comments: I left the Air Force in July 92 and came back to Memphis where I am a firefighter. I have been married for 8 years and have a 7 year old daughter.
Chris Sammacicci, 10/30/15, Email: . Security Police Nov 1977 to May 1980.
David Sampson, 11/05/2002, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 - 1982. Lived on base. Comments: Worked "B" with Ken, Dale, Bobby, and all the rest. I'm still in the AF. Great memories from Bentwaters/Woodbridge. Love to hear from the old gang. Great to have you back Dave!
MSgt Gregory Sanders, 11/20/2003, E-Mail at . "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: November 1987 - November 1990. Lived on & off base. Comments: I worked on D flight (LE) then I moved to Quality Control.
Thomas J. Sanders, 11/11/2004, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: stationed from 1990 to 1993. Lived off base. Comments: I was stationed there when the base was chosen to be closed. I was assigned back to Aviano AB, Italy.
William (Bill) Sanderson, 07/28/2009, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: July 80-82. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Great site, lots of memories. I worked with Dave Moss in your front page pic. Shout out to Mitch Petersen. I remember "Celebrate" playing over and over in the dorm, "Get Serious, Waterson". What ever happened to Msgt Faile? I worked both bases on Security and was a tower operator and sec. controller. "B Flight" forever. Oh yeah, 81st SPS "Best in USAFE".
Ross Sandmeyer, 06/30/2011, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 77~79. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: This is Great Never thought I'd have a chance to find any of you again. I really hated that place worse dump I ever been to. I met some of the best guys there, that made it bearable. Feel free to contact me. Any body know the were abouts of Randal Goodman. Mic Desaint. Geoff Gladstone (stoney) or Mark Bourgoine (BG). I can picture lots of faces but weak on the names.
Ronald Sauls, 10/11/2003, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 -1991. Lived on & off base. Comments: Worked on A & B Flights. Had great fun. Would be great to hear from guys who know me. Married an Ipswich girl in 1986 & had a daughter in '87 & a son in '91, daughter in '93. Stationed at Bentwaters - most of the names look familiar. Had great times at that base it was rocking. Sorry to see it close.
Jon Saunders, 01/06/2002, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither Period of Stay at RAFs: None. Interested in RAF/USAF military history in Suffolk. Comments: Keep up the good work.. thanks Jon.. Jon grew up as a child near USAF bases watching our planes take off & land!
Kevin Scales, 10/08/2007, E-Mail at or Kevin.Scales@DLA.MIL . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Stationed from 1987-1993. Cobra Flight 87-88. SP Supply/Resource Advisor 88-92. Wing Protocol 92 til base closure. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Flight Chief for Cobra Flight/Bentwaters. Resource Advisor, Base Honor Guard NCOIC and Director of Wing Protocol. Comments: These were the best years in the AF. Worked with Carl Binongcal, Eric Windham, Debbie Konecni. Good Friends with the Foxhole (Excellent Java) Ted Drews, Bobby Hyland, Jack Reardon & Jeff Vanderark, Vince Eubanks, Scully, Mark Haviland to name a few. Had much fun working with all the young troops on flight.
Mike Scarry, 01/26/2004, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jun 1981 to Jun 1884. Lived on & off base. Comments: Hi to all veteran Bentwaters - Woodbridge personnel. I was assigned to "C" flight, "A" flight and I was a PRP monitor for one year. I lived in the dorms for a short while then found an apartment with some Security guys. Mark Ardelt and Bob Hyland are two names I remember but we car pooled, 5 of us, to work in my ols british volvo for about a year. I have some good and some not so good memories of my stay. Life's lessons I guess. I'm still in Law Enforcement, (19 years with Deerfield Police Department, IL.) mostly patrol and I am a squad leader on a 70 man multi-jurisdicitional SWAT team. If you remeber me drop me a line. If not god bless all those who served and are serving and keep everyone safe.
Tom Schillinger, 02/07/2007, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security/LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept 1963 - Nov 1965. Lived on or off base?: On. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Peter Schmal, 9/27/13, Email: . Comments: Member of B Flt LE patrol group. A shout out to all the LEO team members. Seems like time has flown by would be great to hear from some old friends D. Bunch. B. Ball and others. Currently in Charlotte NC these days. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 1985-1987.
Russ Schonmeier, 03/14/2004, E-Mail at . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 1983 thru Nov 1990. Lived on & off base. Comments: Worked most of my time there as a BISS operator and Wing Security Controller.
Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966-1968. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? WoodBridge. Comments: Wasn't Air Police ( Firemen ) but worked closely with them, just had to say great to see you guy's haven't forgot each other.
Richard Schultz, 05/20/2005, E-Mail at . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1975 thru April 1977. Lived on & off base. Comments: Worked LE as a Sgt at both "Cripple Creek" and Woodbridge and lived both on base and in downtown Ipswich. Worked with Sgt's William "Mike" Davis and "Fast Eddie" Edwards, Fred "Andy" Anderson (Security puke), Jerry Lefflett, and the list goes on. Lots of good times at Cripple Creek and downtown Ipswich.
Gary Schuman, 01/08/2004, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1977 - 1980. Lived on & off base.
Tom Schwingle, 02/26/2005, E-Mail at . "A" Flight. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jul 66 to Mar 70. Lived on & off base. Comments: I was initially assigned to Pass & Registration & worked for MSgt Eddie Rhoades. I was later assigned to the orderly room and worked for MSgt Carney. This assignment was one of the most memorable of my 22.5 year career in the USAF.
Dale Scott, 11/15/2010, Security or LE?: "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 1968 till April 1972. Worked CSC for "A" flight,"C" flight and back office for SMSgt Holbrook. Looking for any of the 30 guys from Security Police Tech school. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: First assignment in the Air Force, good times and a hell of an education. Thanks to all the people I served with.
Fred Scott, 10/16/2003, E-Mail at . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mar 1974 to June 1978. Lived on & off base. Comments: When I departed I was the flight chief of A Flight LE as a MSgt. My daughter graduated from RAF Woodbridge High School in 1978.
Mike Scully, 03/08/2006, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 - 1982 and 1988 - 1990. Lived on & off base. Comments: C Flight Security 1980-1982; plans & programs 1988-1990. Left AF in 1990, now an IT manager and business owner in NY. Amazing to discover these pages after so many years - brings back a flood of memories.
Jim Seavey, 11/17/13, Email at . Comments: 18 months on "B" Flight which included an all expenses paid trip to Tripoli, Libya in June, 1967 because no one knew what the Libyan's were going to do to Wheelus Air Base. Then 18 months in the armory. Saw a few familiar names here. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security @ W/B Sept. 1966 - Sept. 1969Jason Sedovic, 09/29/2006, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 1984 - Oct 1986 Lived on & off base. Comments: Some may know me as Sid Vicious. I pushed the envelope every minute of everyday and had a great time doing it. My good pals were John Richards, Gil League, Charlie Valvo, Jeff and Melisa Thurmond, Rick Slater, Andy "BISCUTT HEAD" Anderson, Derrick Caulling, David Furst, Woody and his sister in law Rachel. Hottie. I also remember many more although last names are hard to come by Donnie and Mike from others suadrons. How about Msgt "BigToe" and Tsgt Reed. Lt. Freeman and all the cats that lived with biscutt head...Bruce and those other 2 guys. That was a period of time that I will never forget and I regret nothing. I am living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the past 10 years afte spending 10 years in Alaska. I would love to here from some of you that have gave me many great memories. God Bless Jason.
Stella Seiler (William Seiler, Husband), 05/08/2008, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1955 - 1958. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge, 1075A. Comments: My late husband, William Seiler, was editor of the Wingspread (I think that was the name of the paper). Does anyone remember him? I am from Ipswich and we married at Holy Trinity Church in Ipswich. We left Bentwaters in Oct 1958.
Don Sessoms, 02/04/2008, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1964-1967. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Comm-Plotter B flight, 66-67. Retired CMSGT 1990.
Rita (JDK) Shaffer, 6/3/15, Email: , Security or LE & Years at RAFs: LE B and D Flight from 1981-1983
William (Bill) P. Shanahan Jr., 12/23/2004, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 - 1984. Lived on & off base. Comments: Worked Law Enforcement, Use to box while in Bentwaters. Retired in 1996. Currently City Manager for the City of St. Marys, Ga. Would love to hear from old friends. Also, enjoyed this page welcome Bill!.
Jeff Shannon, 06/19/2008, Webpage at: . E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1978-1979. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked Both. Comments: I wasn't in Security, I worked the F-4 Egress (ejection seats) at both Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Great site you have here. I checked out some of the pictures and they sure brought back some memories. Thanks and keep up the good work!! thanks Jeff!
Robert (Bob) Sharpe, 11/3/14, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 74-75 . Comments: SP at RAF.Woodbridge 74-75 then went to SecurityOps RAF Bentwaters 75-77 as a clerk due to medical problems. OIC-MAJ- Foth and NCOIC-KenCook. Would like info on anyone from SecurityOps/LEops Training, Pass&ID and the Orderly Room
Richard (Rick) Shaw, 02/04/2008, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 77 to December 79. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters Comments: Wow, what a life! I seem to recall many of the names listed. After leaving B/W, later in my career I ran across Will Williams, Ron Fail, Gary Balcom, and Dale Combs. Since retiring in 98, I've caught up to Jim Bentley, Mike Renninger, and Jeff Delutio. Will be in touch with others soon. Steve Shelt, 01/01/2002, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mar 69-Mar 70. Lived on & off base. Comments: I arrived at Bentwaters from Pleiku Vietnam. I went back home on leave and married my wife (Liz) she came over and lived with me on Felixstow Rd., Ipswich. Friends included Mike Leonard, John Downing, Jim Witzel, Terry Carr, Greasy and John Dorgan. Their are others who's name I can not pick up off the top of my head. Does anyone remember TSGT Coco. Great times with great guys.
Mark A. Shepard, 04/03/2006, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: February 1977 till February 1979. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Primarily RAF Bentwaters. Comments: I served 6 yrs active duty with my last 4 yrs as LE. Two yrs at RAF Bentwaters and my last 4 yrs with the 3902nd SPS Offutt AFB (SAC HQ), Nebraska. I am currently on my 21st year with the US Marshals Service. Drop a line anytime.
Will Sherman, 12/24/2007, E-Mail at . "A", "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jul 1975 to Jul 1976 & Sep 1983 to Nov 1987. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Just met an old co-workers here in Iraq Named Richards and we talk about the good old days. Brought back some old memories and good fun. Currently works in Iraq, I live in Las Vegas, Retired in 1998 from Panama.
Pat Shevlin, 06/23/2004, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1977-1979. Live on base. Comments: At b/w from 77-79 D flt with msgt rodriguez ran with ray zuk, bill bb besco, norm zimmy zimmerman, bill mule schweitzer. That was the greatest time in my life I still remember the parties or most of them. We were also known as the chapter in the barracks. Those were truly good times if anyone knows where anyone from D flt are now let me know. i.e paul hart, danny layton, norm zimmerman.
Dick Shively, 07/08/2001, E-Mail at Comments: I was in the K-9 section at Bentwaters from 60 to 63. The majority of my time at Bentwaters was in the K-9 section. Our kennels were down a small hill to the left of the alert aircraft area as you approached it driving from the CSC location. We had a small tent at the kennels and lived in it and ate our meals in the kitchen of the main building. Various pictures can be seen in the Photo Album in this web site. I got married to Anita, from Ipswich, in 1963. Several of the K-9 and Air Police attended the wedding. We have been married 38 years and still love fish and chips. I would really like to hear from other dog handlers.
Karl Shook, 10/12/2011, E-Mail at . Period of Stay at RAFs: I was in AACS as a GCA radar operator from August 1957 to February 1959. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. We lived in 8 man quanset huts for about a year then transfered to two story barracks. Comments: I was surfing Woodbridge sites and came upon yours. I always liked and got along well with the APs. Just thought I'd say hello to people with a shared Air Force experience.
Steve Shultzman, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug 1984 to Sept 1988. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? RAF Bentwaters. Comments: I was Flight Chief for almost a year, then I became NCOIC of training until I retired at the end of Sept 1988.
Herb Silva, SMSgt USAF (Ret), 05/30/2009, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 77 - Dec 79. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Mostly Bentwaters but pulled duty a few times at Woodbridge in Jan-Feb 1978. Comments: Hey what's up everybody? I just found out about this site and see some familiar faces. I've recently located Jim Bicknell "B" FLIGHT and looking for Tom Rossi, Elmira NY, Rick Jenkins, Norhern VA, Southern Md area and Larry Zack, Erie PA, Charlie Bormet, Dan Stoops K-9 troop and, John Rohana, Boston MA, Gleason and many others, including members of Bentwaters soccer team. Those were some of the best years of my life,77-79. What a ride, it's a blur now, but I still have many great memories of the friends of my youth. We were like brothers.
Michael A. Simon, 01/07/2003, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was stationed at the twin bases from July 1980 till August 1982. Lived on base. Comments: Have always wondered whay happened to Major Zickler, Chief Hill, Jim O'Farrell, Lew and Helen Butler?
Donald Simpson, 07/09/2007, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 85 through 88. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both, majority at Woodbridge. Comments: Hey what's up everybody! Mark Race told me about this site and I was very excited about it. I'm bad with names of people, but the ones I do remember are Alta Vanderlip, Dave First, Dave Lyons, Jason Cochreham, Big Smitty,Sgt Curd, Tsgt Tanner, My Roomate "BEEF", Daryl Broughton...just to name a few. I had such a good time over there, probably some of the best ever! Look forward to hearing from those who remember me. I will post a few pics soon. Take care.
Andrew Sinski, 01/27/2005, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1991-1993. Lived on base. Comments: Assigned to "B" Flight. Flight Sergant was Msgt. Mark Bowles. Hung around with Larry Bailey, Leiff "Andy",Pat Burris, "Peabody", Joe Fitton and others. My supervisor was Sgt. Allen Billings. Bentwaters was the best assignment i had. After base closure I went to Grand Forks, ND. Finished out my enlistment there.Now living in Port St. Lucie, FL working as a computer and network technician. Feel free to drop me a line.
Mac G. Sizemore, Cmsgt Ret., 05/23/2009, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mar 66 - Mar 70. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: A great place. Had a good time. Loved the people. Played fast pitch softball on base team. Won 1st place on European team.
D Wayne Skinner, 03/19/2009, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979-1982. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I still tell stories of those days. People that know me now can't belive I was a cop, now I own a massage/yoga studio in Hermosa Beach Ca.
Arnold Skogstrand, 07/07/2001, E-Mail at . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 1967 to Nov 68. Lived off base. Comments: Worked at RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge, started in security then worked liaison patrol, Ipswich. Played baseball for the base team. Great days.
Tony R. Small, 12/21/15, I served while the base was going thru base closures. This was my first AF assignment and I had fond memories. Hope to see some comments from fellow airmen. Email: . 1991-1993.
David Smith, CMSgt, 10/10/2009, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1990 to 1992. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
David Smith, 05/30/2004, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: march 1979 to march 1981, I am not sure about the flight. I think it was either C or D flight,,,,
Lived on base. Comments: I am David Smith from Douglas, Georgia.. would like to receive email from former member of the 81st SPS.
Frank K. Smith, 02/08/2009, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Security, LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1960 - 1964. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? I was assigned to Bentwaters in 1960 at the tender age of 17, and was in L/E for a while, then in Security. Was assigned to WB due to shortage of personnel. Comments: I was in K-9 for about a year and half at WB, served with Joe Doncheck, James Hite, John McDuffy, Ramon Garza. Pete Rampino. I also served with Frank Wall and met up with him again in Viet Nam. Great days and I wish I could do over again! I loved England and the people. Met a number of women too, but left without getting married to one. I retired MSG. Also retired from a Police Department in SC. Presently live in NC. Would love to hear from a friend, anytime!
Joseph David Smith, 04/05/2005, E-Mail at . Period of Stay at RAFs: from March 1979 to march 1981. Lived on base. Comments: I was known as JD on the flight. Bobby Moore was my flight chief as well as Sgt Preston and Sgt Chandler. Lt Keith Graham was our LT. My best pal was Dave Watts from Yuma, AZ. Donnie Dillard was last roomate. Sgt Erb worked in the tower within the WSA. Sometimes I was assigned to Whiskey 6. I had a great time at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge. I missed my friends. They were the best friends I ever had. I will never forget them. I am from Douglas, Georgia.
Michael Stacy Smith (Smitty), 11/18/2002, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979 -1981. Lived on base. Comments: This site brings back many great memories. I see there is a photo posted of me on one page. I have many I would like to share. Thanks. Your welcome Smitty!
Rickey E. Smith, 5/22/16, RAF BENTWATERS was my first assignment out of Tech School. MY 3 years there was the best of all my assignments as a Security SP. 1976-1979. Email: .
Sean Smith, 02/28/2004, E-Mail at . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 89 - Jan 92. Lived on & off base. Comments: Favorite quote: " Holy sh1t!!! You're still in?"
Stephen Smith, 12/18/2004, E-Mail at . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1985 to 1990. Lived on & off base. Comments: Loved Bentwaters, until me and that midget Lt. Col ran afoul of each other. The one that took over after Oliver D. Townes left us. Got there at 19 years old. Developed some of the greatest friends ever. To all of you whom were my friends, would love to hear from you. May God bless all of you and your families.
Steve Smith, 05/24/2002, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981-1983. Lived on base.
Thomas Smith, 09/23/2003, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1988 -1992. Lived on & off base. Comments: I would like to hear from Dave Gearin, Ode, Umby, Hanson, Frenchy, slow hand Larry, Kravitz, Reitz & Vince!
Walt Smith, 07/27/2001, E-Mail at . "C" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: with the 81st Police- served on B/W and W/B bases both Security and Law Enforcement March 1962 to March 1965. Hometown Schenectady, New York. Lived on base. Comments: Can you imagine doing a bank run for the American Express today just armed with just a Trungeon!!Ah peaceful Suffolk-liked it so much we moved back July 1971. I've noticed that many listed look back with fond memlories of the "Running Buck" well its now a Baptist Church Tea Room, yes times really do change,as does Ipswich it boasts over seven night clubs now. Look forward to hearing from you.
Daniel Smithson, 7/19/16, "D" Flight I think, Msgt Dugan Flight Chief Ron Sauls was SSgt Then I believe. I'm listed as missing, I'm found now. Email: . Security Nov 1982-84.
Rob Snare, 01/21/2010, E-Mail at (no email provided). Security or LE?: LE. Which Flight?: A. Period of Stay at RAFs: August 1988 - August 1991. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters
Comments: The best assignment I had in the Air Force!
SSGT John Snider, 02/12/2002, E-Mail at . "D" flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: july 1966 to july 1969. Lived on & off base. Comments: I would like to get in contact with any of the old squadron..I was also known as " the rat".
Cinthia Snodgrass, 09/22/2010, E-Mail at . "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982-1983. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I noticed on your missing people roster that Jim O'Farrell was listed. He is on the wall of the 81st SPS facebook page so I believe that you need to change his status. Also, I wanted to mention that I recognized a lot of names on the roster and would love to hear from any former friends who remember mine.
Robin Snyder (Weger), 09/04/2005, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: March 1990 - June 1992. Lived on & off base. Comments: Loved it there!! Met some really great people and had a really great time!! Everyone seemed more like a family!! Would love to hear from everyone.
Shawn P. Sones, 03/15/2008, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 1980-December 1982; the best two years of my life and career, but I was too young, naive, stupid, and immature to realize it. I remember almost everyone I worked and served with, some fondly some not so fondly. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? We worked Security on both; Woodbridge was a pretty weird and scary place, especially on mid shifts. Comments: I got there after the UFO incident, but Bentwaters/Woodbridge was the first place I saw real ghosts and other weird, inexplicable stuff.
Michael Sorensen, 08/12/2007, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 1981- Aug 1983. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters Bldg 751. Comments: I was a fool to leave.
Jerry Spaulding, 04/23/2010, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan '63 to Nov '66. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Originally assigned to "D" Flight on arrival, later transferred to "C" Flight security. Lived on base until married in April '66.
Robert L. Spencer, 02/19/2012, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 1963- Jan 1966. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Patsy S. Sposato, 05/17/2010, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: RAF Station Bentwaters, Jan 1964- about Apr 1966 Security and town patrol. Wing Commander at the time was Col. Robin Olds. F101 Voodoo's and then F4c's. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Terry Stanberry, 09/11/2001, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1976-1979 81 SPS. RAF Woodbridge 1976-1978. RAF Bentwaters 1979. Lived on & off base. Comments: Lived in the Barracks at RAF Woodbridge 1976, Moved to Saxmundham (Ron Levin) in early 1977-1978. Moved to Ipswich (Ken Kerns) to 17 Spring Road in 1979. Worked both Security and (TDY) to Law Enforcement. Loved the Pubs, and I visit England about every two years. I plan to go back to Bentwaters in 2002 after reading Lori's article. I will never forget! Welcome back 'ol buddy!
Charles Steele, 12/26/2007, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: jul 65 - jun 66. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Chris Steer, 02/20/2010, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 88-90. Live on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Ron Stephens, 06/06/2007, E-Mail at . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1977-1979 & 1980-1984. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked at both but primarily Bentwaters.
Elvin Stewart, 03/28/2004, E-Mail at . Comments: I was at Bentwaters from 86-90 and lived with Jimmy Holecomb in Aldeburgh.
John B. Stewart, 08/22/2004, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982-1985. Comments: Looking through the old names and remember Carlo Barsotti(from Boston) and Sean Bruce. Played football and hung out with Britt Mock, Dennis Brennan, Larry Edenfield. Also remember MSGT Corey, Lt. Lemieux, Juice, Kimo, Bernie Erb, Steve Smith (Tennessee). Can see the faces but the names escape me. Loved the time in the UK and think about it often. I now live in Maryland, graduated from U of Maryland and am an Account Manager with Mohawk Industries (Flooring). Been married for 14 yrs and have two boys. I do a great deal of coaching and am currently coaching football. Would love to hear from anybody!!!!!
Ken Stewart, 09/17/2003, E-Mail at . "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April '86 to April '88. Lived on base. Comments: Great site. I recognize names I haven't heard in almost 20 years. I lived on Woodbridge from '86 to '88 - hung out with Frank Scandariato, Don Templin, Kirk Ryband (all right, mate?), Ken Goodman, Dennis Huff, Jason Cockreham, Jeff Cash (room-dawg). Every once in a while I remember "Crystal Palace". My wife and I made a quick trip through WB on our honeymoon in '00 - a lot has changed! Fond memories (a few very fuzzy) - good friends. Thanks for letting me catch up. Your welcome Ken!
Kristi Stluka (nee Kluck), 09/10/2002, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 88 - Apr 91. Lived on & off base. Comments: Seeing these pictures really brings back alot of memories! Sure wish there were more pictures of the place during the late 80's early 90's though. Hope to "meet" up with a bunch of old friends through this site.
William D. St.Pierre, 03/05/2012, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1991 - 1993. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both.
Mark "Moose" Strathman, 01/28/2004, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: jun 89 to may 91 at b/w. Lived on base.
Kim W. Stroud, 12/01/2003, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: November '71 thru March '74. Lived on base. Comments: Initially assigned to "B" Flight (T/Sgt Clyde Siltzer), our commander was Major Norman Wightman, Captain "Fast Eddie" Drury was the Ops Officer and M/Sgt Leonard Fuglesang was the Ops NCOIC. Due to rennovation of barracks 750, "B" Flight spent three months living in quonset huts (the latrine was across the street) at the 'bridge. I transfered to K-9 (trained at Debden) and worked for two kennel masters: M/Sgt Glen Parscal and M/Sgt Lester E. Osman. We provided distant support for the F4's in the VA on both sides of the "woods" (where 50 unauthorized tents were found during the summer of '72), the CAS (a lot of lumber was pilfered to build new obstacles for our pups) and the SAS (home of the tower 15, tower 16 and 10 million rabbits). On the side of the road, just off-base, was the truck where you could get the best Fish&Chips in East Anglia and the flight-line snack bar sported great milkshakes. We won the base fast-pitch championship in '73 (K-9 had five of the nine starters). The guys I remember: David Ortiz, Tom Hurlburt, Ken Parent, Billy McMurray, Bob Crankshaw, Kim Cherms, Willie C. Burney, Arthur Ledbetter, James Tucker, Mike Jeffery, Jim "Big Banks" Banks, Douglas Scott and Gerald "Cowboy" Putin. Thirty plus was only yesterday!
Thomas G. Stucke, 11/30/2004, webpage at . Email at . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Stationed at Crooked Creek Mar 74-June 75 and returned July 77-July 80. Was Law Enforcement Flight Chief and spent 3 years as NCOIC, Security Police Investigations. Lived in Orford, Wodbridge Town and Woodbridge Base.
Additional comments: Retired in 1988 and lived the next eight years in Bedford England pastoring at the American Baptist Church at RAf Chicksands. The based closed in 1995 and I returned to the US.
Joel A. Sutton, 09/28/2009, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1970-1973. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Ronald Lee Swanson Sr., 01/10/2010, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 72 thru Nov 73. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both
Comments: I was in K-9 and worked both bases.
Freddie W Sweaney, 12/31/2009, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 4 months on short TDY In Spring of 1962 from Williams AFB arizona. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Does any one remember me?
John Sweeney, 7/29/12, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security /K9_Jun75 - Jun80. Comments: Long time to be in one place.
Chris Szymanski, 12/08/2009, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Apr 90 - Apr 92. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Lived on Bentwaters; worked both. Comments: Miss Ipswich and the Golden Panda.
Jim Tansey, 06/11/2001, webpage at E-Mail at Period of Stay at RAFs: RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge from Apr 1961 to Apr 1965. Lived on & off base. Comments: "Great pages Ken! Special thanks go to Jim who graciously placed a link to our site on his popular Maureen & Jim Tansey Bentwaters & Woodbridge Site.. thanks Jim & Maureen! I Worked in Civil Engr Sq Admin, Fire Dept, then Personal Affairs Office I did all the Passport and Visa Applications for the Wing. My pages are a register of Airmen and anyone having anything to do with the Twin Bases and other RAF's. Have about 3k names and info there. Visit and sign up FREE and look for old buddy's. Cheers"
Felix Tapia, 09/30/2006, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April '67 - April '70. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Thanks, I appreciate the site. your welcome Felix Was looking for something like this for a while. Brought back great memories I had there. Especially, after viewing/ reading Vanhoven's memorabilia. Retired now, and have some time on my hands, and would like to exchange lines with those I see on this site who I remembered and had some memorable times with, like R. Amstutz, A. Vanhoven, R. Ayers, S. Keife and others. Also, trying to locate: Michael Rowe, Terry Howell ("A" Flight) and Thomas Streeter. I roomed with Greg Seifert and had the Fiat. Enjoyed the football and softball games we had against "A" Flight in those days.
Jimmy Taylor, 04/19/2004, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: August '87 to August '89. Lived on base.
Lyle Taylor Jr., 02/25/2006, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966-1969. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Would like to hear from any of the guys I was stationed with.
Todd Taylor, 09/01/2001, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: July '83-July '85. Lived on base. Comments: Stationed with my brother-n-law Mitch Landrum. Trying to find Elmore, Smithson,Castillon and Sgt. Dixon. There are a lot of others, just too many to name. Had some good times with these guys!
Delbert Teachout, 06/06/2010, E-Mail at . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1970 - 1974. Lived off base. Comments: The events that happened to me at RAF Bentwaters changed my life forever. It was there I earned my AA degree from University of Maryland. Eventually completed my BA degree and was accepted for OTS. Retired in 19990 as a captain. Would like to hear from David Traylor or anyone who remembers me.
James and Delphine Teague, 06/19/2001, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 73-77 & 80-84. Lived off base. Comments: Worked for Jim Flynn. Married English girl 76. Retired in 1997 E8. What a great squad and life we shared. Went great places and met great people.
Dave Thabet, 05/15/2005, E-Mail at DTMERLIN@AOL.COM . "B" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1985-1990. Lived on & of base.
James JT Thomas, 09/25/2007, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: original "E" Fight, 1981-1985. Lived on & off base. Comments: I like to hear from any of my old homies.
Jeffrey L.Thompson, 9/23/13, Email at . Comments: Aug 1974 to Augt 30 1976. Lived in barracks Bentwaters and Woodbridge, Ipswich and Dennington. Worked as a cocktail waiter base club on bentwaters. Sgt. Before I left. Didn't realize I was having one of the best times in my life, until I left and went stateside. I was 19 when I got there and 21 when I left. Now I'm 58. I'm going back, even though the base is closed. Hey maybe there let me open up the Base club on Bentwaters! Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security Police Dog Handler Kennel Attendant
John Thompson, 9/25/14, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 81st SPS Woodbridge 72-76
Mike Thompson, 02/19/2009, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Oct. 89 - Oct. 91. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Worked a lot of night shifts on the main gate of Woodbridge. Taught to operate "Crystal Palace" by Sgt. Bolling, this got me to some day shifts. First supervisor and patrol trainer was Sgt. Jansen. The life was great. Sgt. Waller (the OSU Cowpoke), and SSgt Harris (Hoyas) are a couple of the examples of how to live the Air Force life. TSgt Clark was my first flight chief. Joe Caldwell (don't call him Marion) was my roomie. Moved on to Randolph AFB. Now live in St. Louis. Love the sight, and thanks for the memories.
Pamela Thompson, 07/17/2001, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 1987 to December 1989. Lived on & off base. Comments: Got out in 1990. I met some of the best people during the time at Bentwaters. I would love to find Haley Wilder/Stover and Donna Harrington.
Terry Thompson, 03/13/2008, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 91 to 93. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? worked both.
DanThyer (Sgt), 04/03/2002, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan. 1982 - Oct. 1984. Lived on base.
Jon (Fetus T) Tilleux, 07/11/2008, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: aug 82 - aug 84. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? worked both. Comments: Bentwaters experience was so excellent that Davis Monthan sucked in comparison. I bailed out on the "early out" option one year after leaving the UK. No one really believed my stories (despite pictures) until the Spangdalem Germany ABGD exercise in May '85 when the BW team started shouting "Fetus T!!" as some of us from DM were wandering around the tents. Valvo and Woody still owe me for the motorcycle I left with them to sell. Maybe I'll expand my thoughts in the forum. I see a lot of the guys but Flash Lashbrook seems as forgotten as I was. That's what we get for not using our house for the parties. I still have pictures of the aftermath at 280 Norwich after one party. Gil League, John Richards, Valvo and Woody did know how to host a party.
Toby Tolbert, 09/28/2002, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: November 88 - March 92. Lived on base. Comments: Best times of my life were spent at BW. I miss all I served with and knew. "A" flight is in the house. Beach, Sauls, Binoncal (shorty), Reader, Nasty Nottage, and the list goes on.
Lou Torres, 08/28/2001, E-Mail at . "A", "B" & "C" Flt Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 12-78 to 12-81. Lived on & off base. Comments: I worked primarily as a SPCDS Tower operator at the BW WSA. Most people will remember that I worked back office Standboard (Quality Control). I don't think anyone liked me showing up on their post. Well I had fun!! Glad to see the web site. I'm look forward to meeting old friends! welcome Lou!
Steve Trachta, 11/27/2002, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Arrived in 1987 and departed in 1990. I was a K-9 handler (explosive) working under Tsgt. Haney. Lived on & off base. Comments: Great Site! I have great memories of this place!
Steven Trapp, 09/12/2002, E-Mail at . Comments: Love the site! thanks StevenI am a former SP (1980 - 1988) and collect SP memorabilia. Never stationed here but had friends who were.
Ricky Trest, 11/12/2005, E-Mail at . "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: March 1986 - March 1988. Lived on base. Comments: Just seeing who is out there. TSgt Porter its exercise time!!!!
Ed Trinkle, 12/07/2006, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 60-64. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Delighted that Mcafee found me, I often wonder about all the people I worked with and knew at woodbridge. I hope to see some of the people soon.
Mark Trombley, 06/08/2002, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Served on "D" Flight security from feb. 80 to feb. 82. Lived on base. Comments: Had some great times with Marcum, "Frankie" Faelber and of course, who there could ever forget Bob Pocious, also, had some great parties with Larry Schroyer.
Bill Trotter, 02/21/2005, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jun 74 to Feb 78. Spent all of my time stationed at Woodbridge. Started there as an Airman and left as a SSgt. Lived on base. Comments: Worked strictly security, mainly as the C Flight Comm/Plotter and Alarm Monitor.
Mike Trumble, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: BW from 1982-1985. Lived on & off base. Comments: Enjoyed my yrs at BW. Some names here really bring back memories. Tad Robinette, Jim Leach, Paul Van Veen.. does anyone remember John Stewart or Ken Reeves? Anyone remember going through the training with the S.F? Loved my time there.
Michael Tsung, 08/18/2010, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 90-92. Live on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Staff NCO at Woodbridge (Back Office Guy).
Paul Tuczynski (SKI), 03/08/2008, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1980-May 1983. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Arrived during a NATO TAC with Steve Longero, Greg Spletter, Ed Cabansag (CAB), Dan O'Hara. Ended up on C Flight then A Flight when I got married. I remember MSgt Anderson as the Flight Chief and later had MSgt Cory and Shimick(sp). We drank alot and had pretty good sports teams. Besides the UFO, anyone remember the day the A-10 shot the fire team building in the WSA?
Danny Turcotte, 10/1/12, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 21 years 1969-1975. Comments: Spent 5 great years with awesome people. 5 Years in Investigations , left and went on to Academy and ended at AFOSP. Picture with Queen is on site pictures...Like to hear from anyone who served with me..Thanks Dan Turcotte RET CMSgt.
Keith E. Turner, 09/27/2001, E-Mail at . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: July 1977 thru Feb 1982. Lived on & off base. Comments: lived in Harkstead then Aldeburgh. Really liked Aldeburgh. Visited there two years ago, sorry to see the Base was closed.
Fred Turpin, 5/16/15, Comments: I was stationed at RAF bent waters in the early 80's. I remember it taking over a month before I finally met my sponser, we had a grand time at the NCO club when we finally got together. Email: , Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security Police Specialist
Mike "Umby" Umbarger, 10/06/2001, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: March 1989-March 1992. Lived on base. Comments: Great assignment. Sad to see the base closed.
Terry Utsch, 06/20/2006, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Secuirty & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec. 1977 thru Dec.1979. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Lived off base for a little while.
Albert 'MEX' Valdez, 7/13/12, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security 72"74 Bentwaters A flt. Comments: Worked as armorer most of my tour had one hell of a good time. Lived on and off base and lived in framlingham with the castle out our kitchen window. Jon Corser and Harry the hook Harris. And Jerry Jones as roomies. Still remember the clubs in Ipswitch. Like the running buck and the band box always happening. Wow haven't thought about them in ages.
Charlie Valvo, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1983 to 1985 RAF Bentwaters. Lived on & off base. Comments: Wow! seems like my buddy John Richards remembers me all too well. Those days were truly the best days of my life. I saw one of my other roomates name in the guest book.. Gil Leauge. I've been back to England three times. I would not trade the things we did for anything in the world (too many to list). Great site thanks Charles it brings back a lot of memories. Also, I was friends with Rrandy Halbrook ie picture on main page
well guys gotta go. Charlie Valvo (Delta Dog)
Alta Vanderlip (Wood), 07/10/2007, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1987- April 1989. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: A huge hello to everyone. This is an awesome web site thanks Alta, it's been great going down memory lane. I hope to hear from some of my fellow Woodbridge buddies. Take care! Alta
Paul VanHorn, 04/07/2002, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 7, 1979 to December 8, 1981. Lived off base. Comments: I worked in Security and then got a dual AFSC in LE, thanks to Major Drury. This came in handy for IG to stay in the patrol car!!
Robert Vasquez, 01/15/2006, E-Mail at Cleatcop464@Aol.Com . "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982 and 83. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters barracks 741 Comments: Would love to hear from anyone who might remember me. Especially from Donald Hilliard or Sgt Holcomb, "The Blue Knight"..LOL Anyone who served with the DeltaDogs!
Donald Valot, 09/01/2007, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 1972 til Sep 1973. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woddbridge.
Bob Van de Riet, 02/11/2010, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1965 - 1968. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Upon arrival I was assigned to Security at RAF Woodbridge. In 1966 I attended the Dog Handlers Course at RAF Debden and was assigned to K-9. I stayed in K-9 until my departure in 1968. Comments: During my tour in England I met and married my wife Brenda who was from Ipswich. Brenda and I had one son Mark. I tried to return to England many times but was always sent to the Far East. I retired from the AF in 1979. I considered my tour in England to be one of my best assignments.
Albert (VAN) Van Hoven, 01/03/2005, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was first at Bentwaters in January of 68. Was there for about 2 weeks. Then I was transfered to Woodbridge and assigned to D Flight Security till January of 71. Lived on & off base. Comments: I worked for TSgt Knuckles ( what a hump ) and lived in room 44. Roomed with a guy named Murphy and to this day we speak to each other every week and see each other at least 2-3 times a year. We had a pass word to gain entrance to our room, ( well more like an action) you tapped your fingers lightly on the door. Had some of the best times of my life there. Did and saw some of the strangest things while I was there. I went by the name of VAN. Some of the people I remember are Bob Murphy, Dan Grannan, Bob Leone, Danny Tiller, Joe Rowe, P.J. Colmen, Felix Tapia, Greg Fields, Nick Natoli, Jim Wessels, George (Spidey) Dixon, T.A. Brown, J.B. Brown, Maclurcan, Bennett, Randal (Rock) Amstutz, George Thom, Nick ( Beep) Beverly, Jim Hendrix, Larry Livingston, Strieter, Dan Black, Conway, Gook, Dennis Menges and last but not least John Maccaronio. Ran Ipswich or the Smoke with all these guys one time or another. I probably got a funny story or two about each and every one of them. Always lots of laughs, some times you would have to pull your face cheeks down. We definitely partied hard. Any one who knew Murph and I please feel free to contact me. We also lived at the corner of Woodbridge Road and Christchurch Street in Ipswich. Did way too much paryting there, NOT.
Laura Van Selow, E-Mail at . "B" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jun '81-Jun '85. Lived off base.
Paul Vanveen, 04/11/2010, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 83 to 85. Live off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: I had the greatest time of my life there. It seemed like one party that lasted two years.
Donald Valot, 12/8/16, I found this a few years ago, lost track of the site hope to see some I know. Security 72 - 73. Email: .
James Vaught, 2/20/16, Email: . Security & LE at B/W & Woodbridge 85-88.
Robert L. Velez, 11/26/2003, E-Mail at VLUVNIT@AOL.COM . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: September 1987 - September 1989. Lived on & off base. Comments: I worked C Flight aircraft security, Flight Chief Kevin Scales and later Sammy Long. My nick name was "ROBEAR". Best friends Tracey Stack and Jay Johnson who worked WSA.. I loved Hoffers pub and Babaas Kebabs. The good ole days going to Blades, Cindys and Hollywoods and lets not forget Olivias. Just 5 pounds would get you from base to Ipswich with the famous JJ's Cabs. I remember ditching a cab with Mongo, Smitty and Jay at the Woodbrige cop dorm lol that was fun but we got caught. I remember D Flight through a couch out of the day room of the third floor at the Bentwaters cop dorm. Boy did they get in trouble. Last but not least our Commander 9 feet tall LtCol Oliver Towns!! What a guy.
Chuck Vesely, 04/14/2008, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 85-89. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Lived in Framlingham. Comments: I worked in the investigations section. Recognized many names here. Shout out to all you peeps from the 80s. I know you still have some of those weird white washed jeans just waiting for a comeback. I retired from the AF in 95. Worked in city PD for a few years, then went federal. Currently a federal special agent. Bentwaters/Woodbridge... what a great assignment... Does anyone out there know where I can find some highly trained attack geese? My best memories of my assignment were of the shooting matches with the British cops. Those British cops were some crazy, partying, dead eye maniacs. Especially those blokes from Sheffield... Man those were the days.
Joseph Vialonga, 12/05/2002, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: January 1960 - January 1964. Lived on base. Comments: Played baseball (anyone remember "Knobby"?). Dated a great girl named Margaret Smith (no kidding). She was also dating a 2nd Lt named Moody. Anyone remember him? I 'll never forget the Voodoo that went into the Ops bld in front of CSC. I was pulling runway guard duty at the time and can still see the pilot ejecting and hitting the ground a split second before his chute billowed over him. I understand it was his first flight at the base and he had a family. My best buddies were Jim Baker, Bob Strope and Gene Demers (L/E). Hung at the bowling ally and the Rendezvous. Had some great times in London and Felixtowe.
Raf Viniard, 9/30/13, Email at . Comments: 1981 - 1986 "Delta Dogs" Worked as security controller, Quality Control and Plans and Programs. Now retired living in Montana. Best assignment and bunch of guys I have ever worked with. Trying to locate MSgt Roger L. Fossum...D Flight Chief...anyone know where he is now? Man I miss those good ole days! Raf Viniard USAF Retired. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security.
Marty Vlietstra, 07/26/2008, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 81-83. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: We earned the name Delta Dogs. Bobby Hyland - I should have listened to you and extended.
Ed Vogler, 07/08/2001, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Assigned to Bentwaters 61-64. Lived on base.
Stephen Voss, 04/22/2004, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 1990 -Dec 15,1992 Bentwaters. Lived on base.
Andy Wade, 11/28/2004, E-Mail at . Comments: My wife and I have recently returned to the UK from a holiday in Florida where we had the good fortune to meet up with Bob Snyder and his wife Teresa (great people). It's obvious that many of you guys have fond memories of England so if any of you would like digital photographs of particular views, buildings or towns, let me know and I'll do my best to oblige. I served with the Royal Navy in the 1960s and during that time we exercised with the carrier USS Kitty Hawk and sank many a beer in the bars of Hong Hong with US service personnel who were on active service in Vietnam. God bless you all. Thank you for the kind comments Andy & welcome!.
David S. Wagar, 04/27/2010, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981 - 1983. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Nickname - RADAR.
Barry T. Wagner, 03/18/2004, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: August 1989 - June 1993. Lived on & off base. Comments: What a site! thanks! Tip Bragg forwarded this to me and I have sent it to several others. I worked days (Sauls, "Nasty" Nottage, Binongcal, Haggerty, Devo, Stover, Smitty, Tip, Bobby & Darla Rush, Wazny, Bill St. Pierre and many more) the entire time I was there and was usually in CSC or the WSA Tower. I have a ton of memories and would have stayed if the base hadn't closed. Best assignment in my AF career so far (20+ years). It would be nice to hear from anyone who knew me there.
Mike Wagner, 07/21/2008, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1986-1988. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Steve (Bolo) Wagner, 11/11/2011, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 2 years. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters
Ron Walker, 9/12/12, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security, B-Flight, RAF Bentwaters, 1978-1980. Comments: Sorry to see some old friends gone. Glad to see so many old B-Flighters and RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge comrades. Great job, Ken! Ron Walker Nashville, TN
John Wallace, 12/10/2004, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1989 -1991. Lived on & off base. Comments: Just wanted to say hey to everyone, especially Dennis Salter. Heard from Nottage lately.
Jerry Waller, 08/19/2007, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: February 1989 to February 1991. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? RAF Woodbridge. Comments: Have kept in touch with several old friends. Recently at my retirement ceremony, SMSgt Patrick Acheson was there and then met TSgt Larry Castro in Washington D.C. recently. He is retired this month. Would like to hear from some of my old friends. Had some great times at Woodbridge.
Charlie Wampler, 02/08/2007, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 83 to Nov 85. Lived on or off base?: Both. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Comments: What a great site bringing back tons of memories, from getting off the bus and meeting Dennis Flanagan to leaving Otley and heading to FE Warren. My housemates were Hair Bear and Jimmy Stewart. I still stay in touch with Gil League. I am living back in Baltimore with my British wife and 2 teenage daughters, if anyone wants to contact me.
Bobbie Ward-Church, 07/08/2001, E-Mail at . "B" & "C" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982 to 1985. Lived off base.
Rob Ward, 11/16/2007, E-Mail at . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1985 to 1989. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Mario Warnaar, 01/01/2002, Webpage at . E-Mail at . Security. Comments: Interesting SP website, enjoyed my visit. I'm a former RNLAF K-9 handlerworked together with the security police members of the 32nd TFS at Soesterberg AFB. Welcome to our site Mario & thanks for the card!
Charlie Waters, 05/31/2001, E-Mail at, "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was there from 1979 to 1981. Just did security on D Flight. Lived on base. Comments: "Hey Tim, don't forget about John Swatoeee! All ya'll drop me a line. Where is Kirk Meyer?"
Robert J. Waterson, 11/15/2004, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979 -1981. Lived on base. Comments: B flight Security rules welcome back Bobby!.
Jim Watson, 08/24/2003, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: wasn't there. Comments: like your web site thanks Jim. Bentwaters was on my dream sheet out of AP Tech school. Volunteered for K-9 in April of 67. Most of my tech school class went to England or Germany. Ended up 1 year Ubon AB Thailand and 2 years at Kadena AB Okinawa so I still ended up staying 3 years overseas. Ah the best laid plans never seem to turn out that way. Especially if you were a dog handler in the late 60s.
Paul T. Watts, 02/03/2006, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 1961 to July 1964. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? both. Comments: Like to hear from some former mates, Ron Lemon, Rodriquez (Pancho, Frank Lemke, Jonesy (from Ozarks), Winans, Audet (Mass.)
Tom Watts, 10/31/2006, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight LE & Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1983-1985. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: looking for c flight le members who served during this time. particularly james ball and laura vanselowe.
Colin Waxham, 12/20/2005, E-Mail at . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Flights Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1986 to closure (1992). Lived off base. Comments: Would like to hear from anyone who served during the time I was there. Had a blast!!!!
Phil Wazny, 02/09/2004, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug 88-May 93. Lived off base. Comments: Just wished the base never would have closed. Had a great time, every day was a party. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Dean Webber, 09/15/2011, E-Mail at . "A", "B", "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979-1980. Live on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: lots of partying and going to concerts & yes Teddy Greene, Zep ruled!!
Lloyd Daniel Webster, 02/21/2009, E-Mail at . "A", "C", "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1977 - Nov 1979. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? started on Bentwaters, switched to woodbridge, then back to bentwaters
Comments: love to hear from the guys, and gals! where's john frasier, bill luckadoo, randall brown, holts-ie. Can't forget the concerts in london...How did I get back to the barracks from nebworth?
Mark Weger, 09/23/2001, E-Mail at "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 89 - Jun 92. Lived off base. Comments: One of the best assignments I have ever had. I was "D" Flight the entire tour. Tower, RDA, CSC etc...Still in the reserves in WI.
Frederick Weimar, 08/10/2007, E-Mail at . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1963-1966. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I worked with Ed Vogler for Sgt Cecil and Stradford at Bentwaters.
Bruce W. West, 11/22/2005, E-Mail at . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug 1973 - Dec 1976. Lived on & off base. Comments: I enjoyed my tour of duty at Woodbridge. I met a lot of good people on base and in Ipswich. I lived at 52 Burrell Rd.
Dale White, E-Mail at "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1977 to 1979. Lived on & off base. Comments: I was apprehensive at first on going so far from home but never regretted it. Have lots of fond memories and even took a European tour.
Jim Whelihan, 5/8/13, stationed at Bentwaters from 1982-1984. Email at . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security
William F. White Jr., 07/09/2008, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1978 -1981. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Work both. Comments: Wow, this is a great site. This is Bill's Wife Cynthia. He is still the same but not much on surfing the internet. We had a great time in England. Lived off base in Ispwich. I worked at the NCO Club at Bentwaters in the cashiers cage. Would love to hear from anyone. Bill (Old Man White) retired in 1990.
Lee Wiggins, 05/26/2010, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1965-1968. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: I have fond memories of the many outstanding young men I served with.
David G. Wildes, 04/11/2011, E-Mail at . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 88-90. Live on & off base. Comments: I am the wife of David and just wanted to say that he passed away in January of 2008. When he retired in 1993, he went to work for Santa Barbara County Sheriffs Dept. From there he moved onto Federal Police..working for the Treasury Dept out of San Francisco, Ca. until his death in 2008. Thanks, Anne Wildes
Chris Williams, 09/13/2005, E-Mail at . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1990 through 1991. Lived off base. Comments: I was there to close the WSA then went to Aviano.
Don Williams, 01/05/2004, E-Mail at . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981 - 1983. Lived on base. Comments: Great website thanks Don!. I miss so many people from back then. Shotgun, Patterson, Mac, Ralph, Jay, Allen, Eddie, Ched, Joy, Laura, Rita and so many others thanks for the memories. I remember Shotgun buying me my first beer when in the UK, Patterson driving down the wrong side of the street, Eddie's wife kicking us out the house for being drunk again, and trips on the Blue Goose, and Paul and his wife feeding us all. A lifetime of stories and goodtimes. Thanks again.
James Williams (Chilly Willy), E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: August 1977-July 1981. I was the base weather specialist. Worked on the flightline in the control tower. Lived off base. Comments: I played basketball for the Bentwaters Phantoms, Team Captain for 4 years. Played with Catfish Howard, Cleveland Howard (Grasshopper,) Cornbread Thomas, Magic Morgan, Val Pinckney(Pink Panther), William Watson (Wah-Wah),Eddie Williams (Fast Eddie,) Eugene Edwards, (Iceman)
James R (Rhon) Williams Jr, 05/19/2005, E-Mail at . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1985 - 1988. Lived off base.
Kimo Williams, 11/26/2002, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981 to 1983. Lived on & off base. Comments: My initial Flight sergeant was MSGT Fail. "Don't lie to me. Don't do drugs and give 110 percent. If you can't do this, let me know". Bravo Ruled! Too many stories and flight trips, complete with a designated "recorder" was the norm.We worked hard and @#%$! did we party!! Hooaahh!!
Robert "Willy" & Maureen Williams, 07/08/2001, Guest Book signed by Maureen. E-Mail at . My husband was stationed at Bentwaters from Dec 1962 to Jan 1966 & worked in the K-9 section. We lived on & off base. Willy was from Winchester VA. He died Aug 1996. Appreciate hearing from friends.
Torrie Williams, 06/27/2010, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1988-1991. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Would really like to hear how everyone is doing now. Had a great time while I was there.
Dave WIlliamson, 02/24/2011, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 81- Jan 84. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked on both Bentwaters and Woodbridge. W-2 and CSC Controller form late 82 to 84. Comments: Never forget my first Flight Chief, Ron Faile who taught me why "DOD made airmen" to please MSgts he told me. Seen a lot of names on this site I recognize and appreciate those who have provided this site for us.
Lawrence Willis, 9/25/13, Email at . Comments: Assinged to 81 SPS Sqdrn at Bentwaters for 6 months and then transferred to Woodbridge for 18 months. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 73-75.
Anthony (Tony) Wilson, 02/23/2005, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: At Bentwaters from May 1988 to May 1991, primarily in the WSA. Lived off base. Comments: I served with a lot of great people. Far too many to name. To this day I appreciate the experience and the friendships that were established.
Dennis Wilson, 12/01/2005, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966-1967. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Elijah Wilson, 03/17/2004, E-Mail at . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1987 - 1990. Lived on base.
Jerry Wilson, 01/18/2011, E-Mail at: . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 - 1982. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Steve Wilson, 12/23/2011, E-Mail at . "B" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981-1983. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I left the military in 1984 after my four year contract was finished. I went on to become a police office in Central Florida. Then, I went back to school, and earned five degrees, including a Ph.D in Criminal Justice. I am now a professor at a University in Texas. I think about the 81st all th time.
Larry Wimbrow, 4/14/14, Email: . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security 1978 -1981 . Comments: Security Controller, Back Office
Jeff Winholtz, 07/25/2003, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 1977 - September 1981. Delta Flight '77 - '80, Alpha Flight '81. Lived on & off base.
Tom Wissinger, 12/28/2001, E-Mail at . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug 83- Aug 85. Live on & off base. Comments: I was also one of the few that served on Echo Flight. Bentwaters was my first base, I wish I had known more at the time I would have stayed longer.
J C Woodberry, 07/01/2011, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1973-1977. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Com / plotter at Bentwaters.
Donald Wootten, 02/04/2011, E-Mail at . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 64 to Feb 67. Live on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? RAF Bentwaters. Comments: Admin-Orderly Room- Worked for MSgt Hevron and replaced Paul T Watts.
Steve Wrigley, 03/27/2007, E-Mail at . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 79 to Nov 81. Lived on or off base?: Off. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: First assignment, Wow!
John Wukits, 03/08/2009, E-Mail at . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1963-1967. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? B/W.
Doug Yocum, 02/21/2004, E-Mail at . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 1977 - May 1979. Lived on & off base. Comments: It was great to be a part of the 81st SPS at Bentwaters. C Flight Security, LE, and TDY to Aalborg, Denmark. Had alot of fun. Great website thanks Doug!. Hope to hear from all my old friends. 81st rocks.
Eve Zamora, 11/30/2001, E-Mail at . "A", "B" & "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 9/81 - 9/83. Lived on & off base. Comments: BW was my first duty station and it was a rude awakining to the realities of military life. I had some good times and bad times,but I've never regretted a moment of it.
Terry Zinn, 01/23/2004, E-Mail at . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 12-31-79 to 10-03-83. Lived on & off base. Comments: Lived mostly in the village of Laxfield.
Rick Zube, 09/19/2003, E-Mail at . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Oct. 81-Oct. 83. Lived on base. Comments: I started on "A" flt/3rd element with JD Burris as my RO. Hey JD, what was the name of the QC sgt. that I almost shot the time you and I met? I know alot of names in this book. Kimo Williams I haven't seen since we were at Minot AFB, ND. And Bobbie Ward Church, I was there for your wedding and Doc is lucky that I didn't steal you away from him. Is he still imitating Elvis? There is Carlo Barsotti, Ed Rodinson, and so many others. Just a note: Major Zickler lost his Command because he was too fat. Anybody have an e-mail for Bob Bergeron (TAZ)? Eve Zamora, girl I still remember how and when I met you too...hahaha!! Best two years of my life...Hope that everyone is doing well.