Leo "Kim" Reed's Photo Album
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K-9 Demo Team: Back Row left to right- Sgt Wilson(NCOIC), Pasco, Sheers, Salinaz, Unk, Unk, Sgt Thornburg(Trng NCO). Bottom Row left to right- Reed & Elliott.
K-9 Section (Bentwaters Cruncher's Association): Back Row left to righ- Elliott, Stephens, Thompson, Sweeney, Sheers, Houle, Owens, Bridgers, Caban, Howell, Salinaz, Wencl & Thornburg(Trng NCO). Bottom Row left to right- Felthauser, Rooney, Pasco, Bennett, York, Wilson(NCOIC), Reed.
RAF Bentwaters Kennels
RAF Bentwaters Kennels